Congregational Care

Congregational Care

First United Methodist Church  knows that there are situations in everyone's life when it is important to have caring Christians walk along side with them.  Our Nurture ministry provides phone calls, visitation, prayer, communion, and anointing as well as tangible items of God's love and care (prayer shawls, baby blankets, knitted hats for chemotherapy patients, and bereavement meals) for our congregation and community.  Those  involved in our visitation and Stephen Ministry are trained to be a listening caring ear for those experiencing grief, divorce or a life threatening illness.   If you or someone who know might benefit from this ministry, contact Rev. J.J. Galloway at 501.623.6668, ext 100


Our pastoral staff and Stephen Ministers visit the hospital every weekday.  Contact the church office at (501) 623-6668 if you know of someone who will be or is currently in the hospital and in need of pastoral care. 

Prayer team

Our Prayer Team meets every Wednesday at 11:30 am to pray over concerns expressed by our members and guests.  The Team regularly touches base with those who have requested prayer and are dedicated in their daily prayer life to pray for you.  If you have a prayer concern for you or someone else, you can submit it by a prayer card, located in the pews or registration books on Sunday (to be placed in the offering plate) or by email.

Anointing Ministry

Every Communion Sunday (first Sunday of every month), Anointers are available to anoint during communion. You may ask for healing for you, family member, or friend.  Anointing is also available for through our Congregational Homebound/Nursing Home or Hospital/ Rehabilitation Center Visitation ministry.  

All healing is of God. The Church's healing ministry in no way detracts from the gifts God gives through medicine and psychotherapy. It is no substitute for either medicine or the proper care of one's health. Rather, it adds to our total resources for wholeness. God does not promise that we shall be spared suffering but does promise to be with us in our suffering. Trusting that promise, we are enabled to recognize God's sustaining presence in pain, sickness, injury, and estrangement. Likewise, God does not promise that we will be cured of all illnesses; and we all must face the inevitability of death. A Service of Healing is not necessarily a service of curing, but it provides an atmosphere in which healing can happen. The greatest healing of all is the reunion or reconciliation of a human being with God. When this happens, physical healing sometimes occurs, mental and emotional balance is often restored, spiritual health is enhanced, and relationships are healed. For the Christian the basic purpose of spiritual healing is to renew and strengthen one's relationship with the living Christ.